For once it was good news all-round as Disneyland Paris operating group Euro Disney SCA published its Third Quarter 2011 revenues announcement earlier this month. A 5% increase in park attendance, 4% increase in guest spending and 1.3 percentage point increase in hotel occupancy boosted the Resort revenues by almost 7% compared to the
same period last year. Though the group chose to lead with this positive improvement in its core business, it’s important to note that overall revenues for the quarter actually
decreased by €28.7m (7.7%) because figures for the period in 2010 included the exceptional €47m sale of the land on which the
Val d’Europe shopping mall is located.
Nevertheless, the full report paints a positive picture for the parks and hotels as we head towards the financial year-end. Visitor fluctuations continue, with fewer visitors from France now reported against more from the United Kingdom and Italy. This might appear to show that steady and widespread promotional campaigns for the resort in the British Isles have paid dividends with extra bookings following
several years of decline for the cross-Channel market. The resort notably partnered with Walt Disney World for its first joint television advertising earlier this year and has had a strong showing with it’s
Magical Moments Festival promotions despite the lack of any true new attractions this year. Somewhat desperately, both the obligatory comment from CEO Philippe Gas and “update on recent events” quote the return of
The Tarzan Encounter as a key recent draw — a show which returned for just three months and originally premiered over ten years ago.
Still, if they’re posting attendance boosts in a year as anodyne as this, when half of
Disneyland Park has been
under scaffolding for refurbishment (which would have been a much more welcome thing to promote to investors) it’s looking good for the 20th…
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