Handling so many visitors every day of the year, both Disney parks have excellent facilities to cope with demand, spread evenly throughout each land and in most cases, fully accessible.
Toilets, or — to use the American Disney term, restrooms — are usually signposted in French as "toilettes" with the actual male/female signs outside coming in a wonderful variety of designs — in Main Street, for example, the modern stick man is replaced with the elegant silhouette of a top-hatted gentlemen!
Both male and female "restrooms" usually have baby changing facilities, or you might instead prefer the privacy of the dedicated Baby Care Centres at each park.
The maps below show all toilet locations at a glance.
Outside the parks, you can find toilets at these locations:
All toilets have accessible areas for visitors with reduced mobility.
In addition, unisex toilets (with cubicles allowing wheelchair users to be accompanied by a carer) are available in every land of Disneyland Park and at Moteurs... Action! Stunt Show Spectacular in Walt Disney Studios Park (toilets are open only during shows).
Simply ask: "Excusez-moi, où sont les toilettes les plus proche?"
Toilets sometimes aren't that easy to find around the city of Paris itself, and most public toilets often charge for the privilege.
If you're visiting galleries or stop off in cafés, be sure to always make the most of the facilities before you leave!