Thursday, 3rd July 2014

Can you believe it? Walt Disney Studios Park has a new restaurant. Not just any dining location, either, but a fully-themed, immersive Table Service restaurant with views through to the unload area of Ratatouille: L’Aventure Totalement Toquée de Rémy. Read More…
Tuesday, 19th March 2013

The new spring season of late March and early April normally brings refreshes to most Disneyland Paris restaurant menus, but until then we’ve been getting the current pages up to speed with a slate of updates from the winter season to help you plan your impending trip. Read More…
Thursday, 3rd May 2012

Our mega Disneyland Paris Restaurant Menus update rolls ahead with a further TEN restaurants added to the list of those menus fully refreshed for 2012, giving us a total of twenty-five updated dining guides. Read More…
Sunday, 29th April 2012

The major update of our popular Restaurant Menus pages for 2012 has continued over the past few days. Read More…
Thursday, 26th April 2012

Along with five and a half hours of HD video (and counting) of the 20th Anniversary events, we took the chance during two trips earlier this month to walk the entire resort from end to end, through every land, park and hotel, collecting new photos of each and every menu for a major update of our popular Restaurant Menus section. Read More…